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Aries has a charming manner and very winning ways with the opposite sex, when they are so choose. Despite Aries's charm, they often find that some unforeseen problem seems to emerge that prevents them from obtaining the object of their desire, and those to whom they are most attracted may indeed fail to respond in the way Aries expects. Aries needs to harness its powerful energies, or even rein them in a little, so that those with whom Aries would like to spend time are not overwhelmed by its battle tactics. Aries, a masculine sign, loves to lead and hates to follow. So in a relationship, Aries is the motivator and wants to be the controller. The Aries driving force compels those born under its influence to become the leading light in any co-operative venture. This can be a particular problem for Aries women, who constantly seek to measure themselves against their man (or men), always trying to gain the upper hand. Aries is straightforward in its need to dominate. While quite socially acceptable for men, until recently this need has been rather problematic for women. Women with Aries prominent often seem to work to overcome or defeat their partners, but in the event they succeed, have a tendency to lose respect for their formerly admired "opponents". The constant outflow of energy from egotistical Aries masks a sense of insecurity, which has its roots in a lack of self-esteem. The externalising of demons enables them to be conquered, but Aries is usually unable to formulate the problem. Like his mythic image, the Ram, Aries prefers to charge at full tilt, with little knowledge of, or care for, the consequences. Arien sexuality is hot and intense. Like a blowtorch, Aries heats up rapidly and like a firecracker, Aries explodes in a blaze of fire and sparks. Aries loves the unorthodox and the unusual in sexual encounters and not afraid to go after what they want. Ruled by Mars, the god of warriors, Ariens are straightforward and uncomplicated in the pursuit of his desires. Pursuit is the key word here. Aries loves the thrill of the chase and thrives on the smell of danger. Aries avidly responds to the challenge of dominating some new quarry. The downside of this is that, without constant stimulation, Aries becomes rather bored with what he perceives to be conquered territory. Arien Ram's ego must be constantly fed - and the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence! Ariens are a sucker for anything new and exciting, especially anything ego-boosting. Aries also loves to initiate others into the pleasures of some new experience. The merest sniff of nubile virginity seeking awakening sends Aries into lathers of eager anticipation. In the art of lovemaking, the Arien is enthusiastic and adventurous. Partners can sometimes be overwhelmed by this spirited approach, something which is not necessarily a sign of their weakness, but simply a reaction to the ardent intensity of passion. Aries loves to experiment and to take things to the limit, so, roll over Kama Sutra, the Aries lover is writing it all from scratch! Admirers should be aware of Ariens need for ego-reinforcement. Ego-massage ("God, your breasts drive me wild", or "Mmmm, you're so big") and praise for performance - even, or especially, when not particularly warranted - will get anyone a long way with the Aries lover. Seriously, though, it would not hurt for some ardent Ariens to actually take the time to discover some more sensitive approaches to the art of love. A glance through a manual or two, especially in the company of a lover, can lead to new highs and lingering climaxes that may extend the limit far beyond the boundaries of imagination.
You should not think about any secrets when you think about this sign. You will not be able to imagine more straightforward and open people! Behind the everyday readiness of unruly fiery Aries to attack hides only one thing: boundless desire. One sparkle is enough to wake an instinct of real hunter in him. If you can incite or at least a little heat his desire you can be sure: he will know no restraint. But you should keep in mind that Ariens are not the kind of people who, being provoked, will stop half-way. The one who plays with Ariens plays with fire, because an Aries is not used to step back without reaching the set aim.
It is possible to describe utmost desires of Ariens with just several words: they dream about fast victory, about fast love with ideal partner. As they say, came, saw, and won: the way from a meeting to possession of the object of desire is very short for Aries. Though you will not get the truth from the Aries himself, it looks like this: when his passion rises to a critical point, he can't stand it any longer and is ready to come straight to the point. The setting is not important: it can be a bench in a park, seat of a car, or chair in the airport waiting room. The main thing is excitement: rush should be impetuous, rough, even aggressive. It is only natural that Aries needs an active partner who with his actions would insensibly get to the point when flame of love would blaze. Aries aims at feeling love to the fullest, both platonic and fleshy love: for him love and sex two things inseparable one from another. Partner who doesn't inspire him with passion doesn't have chances for his love.


She can be compared to a burning torch who would inflame passion in the hearts of all men she meets on her way. She steps this life confidently and independently. It is easy for her to throw down a challenge to the whole world, and she will not be searching for strong personalities to be her allies to win (or, perhaps, she needs a strong shoulder, but will not show this?). Supermen should hurry up to win a woman of this fiery sign because, as a rule, she does it herself. When she sees a man who interests her be sure, she will not let go what she needs. When there is a plan in her pretty head, her intentions can be read easily. In such cases they prefer clothes of red colors, send love messages to the person they are interested in, and asks for a date. Woman-Aries acts in the spirit of the time, she will never agree to play a secondary part in the love union. She knows what she wants and the most right it is about her behavior in the bed! Men who are not confident in themselves should not even think about winning her heart. She is not attracted by losers: she needs a real man deserving her.

Aries always boils from inside, always electrified to the limit, and the bed for him is the field of the battle, and he should certainly win this battle. Often the stimulating factor that adds sharp feelings is violent scene of sorting out the relations with his partner. Exactly in this state of passionate tension his body really receptive to the typical way of stimulation. His erogenous zones are head and ears. He likes caressing touches whether with hands or tongue, he feels on the top of pleasure. Really stimulating can be easy massage of the back of the head. Ariens are very skillful kissers.

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