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Relationships and Sexuality      Bikini Brides - Taurus

21 APRIL - 20 MAY

Day of the weekFriday
 Emerald Green
 Peach Flower
 Sylvan Pine

Earth sign ruled by Venus. Taurus represents art, beauty in all its forms, and strength (not only phisycal). Taureans are realistic, security loving (both on the material and psychological level) and they like routines, also in their love relationship. In order to obtain this kind of security, they use all their qualities: resistance, quietness, patience and practical intelligence. They seldom lose control, but when they get angry they can be violent. This is the reason why it is necessary for him to find the right partner. Taureans live love in a complete manner, they are constant and never vain. Among their most suitable careers: interior decorator, teacher, cook and any job concerning earth and nature. This is the sign of the Zodiac which most of all likes relaxing, but only after having reached a prefixed goal, of course.a>

With Taurean men you mustn't be in a hurry or over-hasty. In fact, Taureans need a long time to understand if they have finally found the right woman. The secret to win their love is being first a good friend. If you invite him for dinner, remember that he likes eating and prepare abundant helpings.
TIP: at your first date use romantic music and lights.

If you are determined and patient you're the right man. Taurean women are jealous, extraordinary and fascinating, they love being flattered and courted. They like perfumes, so give her the best you can find and don't forget to use one when you're with her, because she will smell your skin.
TIP: at your first date don't ask her to play tennis or to go for a walk: she's rather lazy!!!

Relationships and Sexuality

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