Hobbies and interests
I cannot live without communication! My life is bright and positive. For my smile I need simple things, like good music or some tasty dish. My passion is cooking! Sometimes I feel some inspiration and can cook something new. What can be better than cooking and singing in a spoon? I like a lot of cultural events, some interesting new places, exhibitions, theatres. Odessa famous Opera House is a good reason for me to wear my long dress and enjoy some classical music.Looking For Men Type
Seeks partner: 35 - 70About me
I am a very positive and sociable lady! I cannot live without smiles and making fun. My lifestyle is active and I have the most important weapon-my smile! I can be very soft and have my open heart. Positive moments make life easier, they make it brighter! I am not the type of person, who is counting minutes, I am enjoying! Everywhere I can find something to smile! I am not a panic person, it is much better to think first. Thinking about the best will take the best in your life!•
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