Hobbies and interests
I am old-fashioned and I am not afraid to admit it! Feminism is not for me. Home cosiness, comfort, home cooking and handicrafts are part of my world. The main part is now children. I am a mother of twins! But I still find time for sports. My favorite ones are cycling and swimming. And I must also admit, although this is again not fashionable, I am an avid book lover. I hope that I have not completely frightened you with my antiquity?!Looking For Men Type
Seeks partner: 40 - 70About me
A woman with a name and eyes the color of the sea is me. Yes, I have a lot from the sea, except for the name Marina and the green eyes - this is from the depth of feelings, breadth of thinking and boundless horizons of fantasy. But the sea is friendly with the land, as I respect the opinion of others, as well as personal space. My emotionality is perfectly combined with qualities such as communication skills, composure and punctuality. And I hope that a woman's mind is not a superfluous quality for a happy marriage!•
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